a weee bit of pressure relief for me..alhamdulillah did manage to finish it up for submissn to madam..she'll check it up..and i think there will be changes..huu..nervous for that..
and now focus goes to the slides..i tot wanna start doing it today..but somehow didn't due to several editing here and there..touch ups for the proposal itself..erm to think of if i wont be actually 100% finish if it is still in my packing for trip..won't finish packing unless I'm on the car..if not there will be addition to the packs..huahau~
slides will focus in doing it in day got daurah to attend..semoga ini yang terbaik..hopefully gonna get it done by monday so that can do "show and check" to madam..
talk about daurah..rindu berdaurah..miss akhowats..akhowats ni mcm special being to me..hehe..juga comel..juga sweet..hehe..seriously they are special, comel and sweet (see sampai guna koma "," dlm ayat) hehe..special sebab whenever they talk/act it actually really the thing that is right at the actual time and moment..macam tau2 jee..juga selalu cakap benda2 yang mmg "aaahh best ahhh" nak dengar :D kadang tertampar juga dengan kata mereka..but you know what they's not about what you's about how you say it..and they say it right :) *sayangsangat*
kisah2 comel toksah cakap lah..hihi..memang comel..hihi :D *sayanglagi*
they are sweet also..hee..kadang2 mcm nak kne tooth carries je sebab "tergula" dengan mereka..hee..they are like a sister i never had..hehe..tersentuh jiwa rasa..hihi =D *lagilahsayangnye*
sahabat baik ialah sahabat yang sentiasa mengingatkan kita kepada Allah..pandang dia pun dah rasa izzah dgn Nya..huaa~ *sayangakhowatsfillah*
It never fails to make me laugh, cry, smile and ponder... Amuse of the great times..Reflect of the-not-so-great times
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
assalam to readers~
phuuu~ *aksi tiup habuk*uhuk3*
last time was so last aite..been busy with the FYP 1..and now i menyelinap cursor tuk ke page ini..still not done yet..but its least progress is there..and tomorrow is the DUE date..ngaahahaa..oh did i mention we need also to do the turnit in thingy-which i find it quite menyusahkan..heh..grrr~ but its been stipulated need to do so..*grr
ohh org boleh jadi macam membatu mnyiapkan FYP 1 ni..dlm rumah masing2 duk hadap laptop..mulut terkunci..kut ade la ckp sikit2 tnye psl itu ini about FYP ni..its like eat-drink-bathe-sleep-FYP..seriously..sungguh lah tak buat dah bende lain klu dan mnghadap laptop buat FYP ni..guguguguu
its like penat.lapar.nagntok.penat.lapar.ngantok.
so that all from the seat that i haven't get up from since 3pm tadi..huu..good luck diri!
phuuu~ *aksi tiup habuk*uhuk3*
last time was so last aite..been busy with the FYP 1..and now i menyelinap cursor tuk ke page ini..still not done yet..but its least progress is there..and tomorrow is the DUE date..ngaahahaa..oh did i mention we need also to do the turnit in thingy-which i find it quite menyusahkan..heh..grrr~ but its been stipulated need to do so..*grr
ohh org boleh jadi macam membatu mnyiapkan FYP 1 ni..dlm rumah masing2 duk hadap laptop..mulut terkunci..kut ade la ckp sikit2 tnye psl itu ini about FYP ni..its like eat-drink-bathe-sleep-FYP..seriously..sungguh lah tak buat dah bende lain klu dan mnghadap laptop buat FYP ni..guguguguu
its like penat.lapar.nagntok.penat.lapar.ngantok.
so that all from the seat that i haven't get up from since 3pm tadi..huu..good luck diri!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
moving on
after previous post i was taken aback a bit..but those who still have life in their soul should move on..pick up your pace..
so did my-suppose-to-complete-in-the-holiday-proposal..manage only to re-do the introduction-background..previous one macam tak satisfying enuf for moi..want to proceed to problem statement but caught up with the urge to stop..haha..buat baru sikit nak rehat..rabu dah kot hannan oii!ketok jugak budak ini..hai3~
why so no mood to do this proposal..grrr..
so the hot topic currently is the 13th General Election (13th GE) or oso know as PRU13..woot3!
ermm sy pon xreti pasal politik..jujur cakap.xreti. amik port la jgk tapi kurang faham lagi..byk kene baca lagi lah rasa nye..rasanye umo mcm ni mmg patot2 sgt la reti2 kan diri pasal politik ni..sebab sooner or later we are what the country have..tak kan lah ciri2 orang nye tak amik port psl politik gara2 alasan sy student dan politik bukan untuk penah tak terdetik dalam hati camni? hmm...
you know what...the decision made by the political leader-whom yang kte ckp xnk amk port tulah-akan secara lansung/tidak langsung akan effect diri kita when we work so on so forth nnti..even masa tgh belajar ni pon effect jugak..seriously!
every votes counts.
and they just loose one vote sbb sy pon sedey sbb xdpt join voting for PRU13-which for me looks like a big change is in the making..maybe new chapter for malaysia..insyaAllah..kte undi Allah tentukan:)
sebab gara2 tak mendaftar dgn segera..pengajaran tuk diri ini..daftar awal2 lain kali..huu..sungguh kesedaran peri pentingnya politik amat lambat lah jugak tuk diri ini..
so to para pengundi2 sekalian y membaca ini..undilah tuk masa depan yang lebih baik..tor betterment of future..make a change..your vote counts:)
akhir kalam: biru pah dale! ^__^
after previous post i was taken aback a bit..but those who still have life in their soul should move on..pick up your pace..
so did my-suppose-to-complete-in-the-holiday-proposal..manage only to re-do the introduction-background..previous one macam tak satisfying enuf for moi..want to proceed to problem statement but caught up with the urge to stop..haha..buat baru sikit nak rehat..rabu dah kot hannan oii!ketok jugak budak ini..hai3~
why so no mood to do this proposal..grrr..
so the hot topic currently is the 13th General Election (13th GE) or oso know as PRU13..woot3!
ermm sy pon xreti pasal politik..jujur cakap.xreti. amik port la jgk tapi kurang faham lagi..byk kene baca lagi lah rasa nye..rasanye umo mcm ni mmg patot2 sgt la reti2 kan diri pasal politik ni..sebab sooner or later we are what the country have..tak kan lah ciri2 orang nye tak amik port psl politik gara2 alasan sy student dan politik bukan untuk penah tak terdetik dalam hati camni? hmm...
you know what...the decision made by the political leader-whom yang kte ckp xnk amk port tulah-akan secara lansung/tidak langsung akan effect diri kita when we work so on so forth nnti..even masa tgh belajar ni pon effect jugak..seriously!
every votes counts.
and they just loose one vote sbb sy pon sedey sbb xdpt join voting for PRU13-which for me looks like a big change is in the making..maybe new chapter for malaysia..insyaAllah..kte undi Allah tentukan:)
sebab gara2 tak mendaftar dgn segera..pengajaran tuk diri ini..daftar awal2 lain kali..huu..sungguh kesedaran peri pentingnya politik amat lambat lah jugak tuk diri ini..
so to para pengundi2 sekalian y membaca ini..undilah tuk masa depan yang lebih baik..tor betterment of future..make a change..your vote counts:)
akhir kalam: biru pah dale! ^__^
-LaBeLeD aS-
-bulan itu..-,
-decision to made-,
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
innalillah..baru je tertahu tadi..berita ni mungkin basi lah kot tuk org sekeliling dia..tpi macam baru "tertampar" tuk aku..seriously rasanya aku boleh santuni dia dgn lebih baik..tapi...astaghfirullah
met her during study year in penang..way back then..after I moved campus to shah alam met her back..alhamdulillah dalam suasana y lebih baik:)
masa kat penang dlu we all duduk bilik sebelah2..jiran satu roomate pon kawan dgn dia jgk..we all sesame part one time tu..kadang2 lepak2 lah jugak bilik dia..baik org nya..byk ckp..ketawa pon semangat..hehe..then next few sem masih kawan lagi dgn dia..jumpa kt sekitar kolej tegur2 macam biase..then one sem tu..sem 3 diploma..masa tu dh mcm tgh2 sem dan bilik aku masih kekosongan seorg lagi y shud be 4 org tgh2 sem tu kami dipertemukan lagi..and she's my fourth soomate that time..and she actually had some kind of sakit..sebab tu lah masok kolej eventhou dah tgh2 sem..she was very very very different from before..physically different..getting skinnier and had sort of skin problem..dlu badan dia sihat2 je..memang mcm org lain je..emotionally pon a bit different maybe due to the sickness shes bearing..she can't take solid food..sian sangat masa tu tgk dy..sebab tu lah jgk kot bdn dy jadi makin kurus..but shes stable as in takde serious case thorughout the end of semester..
then i moved into shah alam campus..dan sungguh jodoh kuat dengan dy..kami jumpa lagi..dalam suasana y sungguh lebih baik dari sebelumnya..dan kami satu liqa' usrah :) she said that her sickness had been better than the semster before..she looked better..dah tak sekurus masa kteorg satu bilik tu..tapi xsesihat masa first jumpa i mentioned..kami satu liqa' usrah..kdg2 texted her tnye kabar..but suddenly she stops replying..but i kept in touch with her and one day her brother replied saying shes got warded..terkejut..!
itu lah last heard from her..lepas tu ade tnye lgi..tpi abg dy xbalas..huu..
dan tadi..sungguh Allah nak kasi tunjuk kot..tergerak nak bukak FB dy..innalillah..baru dapat tahu..rasa mcm tak menunaikan hak seorg sahabat :c
Ya Allah semoga dia bersama orang2 yang beriman..semoga dia tenang di sana..
**terkesan sangat sebab lambat tahu akan kepergian dia..alhamdulillah dia sempat di-introduce kan pada jalan ini..hamba mu ini belum tentu ke mana nanti..astaghfirullah..
innalillah..baru je tertahu tadi..berita ni mungkin basi lah kot tuk org sekeliling dia..tpi macam baru "tertampar" tuk aku..seriously rasanya aku boleh santuni dia dgn lebih baik..tapi...astaghfirullah
met her during study year in penang..way back then..after I moved campus to shah alam met her back..alhamdulillah dalam suasana y lebih baik:)
masa kat penang dlu we all duduk bilik sebelah2..jiran satu roomate pon kawan dgn dia jgk..we all sesame part one time tu..kadang2 lepak2 lah jugak bilik dia..baik org nya..byk ckp..ketawa pon semangat..hehe..then next few sem masih kawan lagi dgn dia..jumpa kt sekitar kolej tegur2 macam biase..then one sem tu..sem 3 diploma..masa tu dh mcm tgh2 sem dan bilik aku masih kekosongan seorg lagi y shud be 4 org tgh2 sem tu kami dipertemukan lagi..and she's my fourth soomate that time..and she actually had some kind of sakit..sebab tu lah masok kolej eventhou dah tgh2 sem..she was very very very different from before..physically different..getting skinnier and had sort of skin problem..dlu badan dia sihat2 je..memang mcm org lain je..emotionally pon a bit different maybe due to the sickness shes bearing..she can't take solid food..sian sangat masa tu tgk dy..sebab tu lah jgk kot bdn dy jadi makin kurus..but shes stable as in takde serious case thorughout the end of semester..
then i moved into shah alam campus..dan sungguh jodoh kuat dengan dy..kami jumpa lagi..dalam suasana y sungguh lebih baik dari sebelumnya..dan kami satu liqa' usrah :) she said that her sickness had been better than the semster before..she looked better..dah tak sekurus masa kteorg satu bilik tu..tapi xsesihat masa first jumpa i mentioned..kami satu liqa' usrah..kdg2 texted her tnye kabar..but suddenly she stops replying..but i kept in touch with her and one day her brother replied saying shes got warded..terkejut..!
itu lah last heard from her..lepas tu ade tnye lgi..tpi abg dy xbalas..huu..
dan tadi..sungguh Allah nak kasi tunjuk kot..tergerak nak bukak FB dy..innalillah..baru dapat tahu..rasa mcm tak menunaikan hak seorg sahabat :c
Ya Allah semoga dia bersama orang2 yang beriman..semoga dia tenang di sana..
**terkesan sangat sebab lambat tahu akan kepergian dia..alhamdulillah dia sempat di-introduce kan pada jalan ini..hamba mu ini belum tentu ke mana nanti..astaghfirullah..
Sunday, March 10, 2013
as the final year begins
salam semester baru..baru nak memperkenalkan diri tuk sem ni..yep new semester..and its FINAL final forth year in school of civil engineering..surreal feeling..lots of things happened before this..sweet happy joyful moments but also sad teary sulky moment along the years before..
Ya Allah let this be the final year for in this studies..but not the final year for me in your path..path D&T..Ya Allah guide me all the way till the end..ease everything for me..:D
datang aje final year tuk bebudak engineering ni sure bising pasal 2 perkara ini..FYP serta LI! sebelum cuti semester sem 6 lagi pon dh bising pasal 2 perkara ini..haha..mcm lah xde perkara lain nak dipikirkan..ohohoh..
alhamdulillah psl FYP mcm ok-ok je so far..tapi LI ni mcm sesamar lagi..huu..
plus drama di sana sini sekitar rumah..tett! #pengsan~
hopefully I can juggle between D&T and studies during this final semester..hannan sila buat yang terbaik in both parts..
and to those who also undergoing the same phase of life like I am..SELAMAT LAH YE c: and GOOD LUCK!! create something you won't regret and the best you can to make it work..BEST OF LUCK U'OLLS hee:)
tata ^_^
salam semester baru..baru nak memperkenalkan diri tuk sem ni..yep new semester..and its FINAL final forth year in school of civil engineering..surreal feeling..lots of things happened before this..sweet happy joyful moments but also sad teary sulky moment along the years before..
Ya Allah let this be the final year for in this studies..but not the final year for me in your path..path D&T..Ya Allah guide me all the way till the end..ease everything for me..:D
datang aje final year tuk bebudak engineering ni sure bising pasal 2 perkara ini..FYP serta LI! sebelum cuti semester sem 6 lagi pon dh bising pasal 2 perkara ini..haha..mcm lah xde perkara lain nak dipikirkan..ohohoh..
alhamdulillah psl FYP mcm ok-ok je so far..tapi LI ni mcm sesamar lagi..huu..
plus drama di sana sini sekitar rumah..tett! #pengsan~
hopefully I can juggle between D&T and studies during this final semester..hannan sila buat yang terbaik in both parts..
and to those who also undergoing the same phase of life like I am..SELAMAT LAH YE c: and GOOD LUCK!! create something you won't regret and the best you can to make it work..BEST OF LUCK U'OLLS hee:)
tata ^_^
Friday, March 8, 2013
kringgg! sem-baru-punye-post :D
setelah penat menghadap journals yang tidak berkesudahan mukasuratnya maka aku halakan mouse ke sini..ohoho:D
FYP stop sekejap..enough for the day..revise perkara lain..
hmm..sebenar nya dalam sehari2 kita..berapa kali kah kita sibuk duk revise study matter materials?
berapa lama pula kita revise pasal iman kita? means revise Quran ke..hadis ke..buku2 agama ke or berapa lama korg take time to bukak seerah dan hayati nya? paapp!
huu..reminder tingtongtingtong buat diri ini juga..mutabaah amal masih longgar..phuu~ banyak lagi nak keep up..up..up and a way..
nak bina orang...kene lah bina diri sambil itu..
analogi senang..kalau nak naik tangga ke atas kena lah bina tangga ye dak..baru lah boleh naik ke tangga tu sebagai binaan kita (orang yang kita nak bina) dan kita yang nak naik adalah kita (hee:D sape lagi kann)
so..sure tak sampai ke "atas" kalau kita tak keep on "moving up"..tak tercapailah pada orang yang kita nak bina kalau kita tak up kan diri kita..
err bkn kite pendek ke ape sebab tak sampai ke atas itu ye..hehe:D
so hannan sila jaga ini..bukan sebab k.ain suro buat just buat je..but also you need this..dekati lah Allah nescaya dia akan lebih dekat kepada mu..lebih dekat dari urat mu..
**senyum tak semestinya bahagia.. ketawa tak semestinya gembira..yang mendengar bisa menjadi tuli juga..take note!
setelah penat menghadap journals yang tidak berkesudahan mukasuratnya maka aku halakan mouse ke sini..ohoho:D
FYP stop sekejap..enough for the day..revise perkara lain..
hmm..sebenar nya dalam sehari2 kita..berapa kali kah kita sibuk duk revise study matter materials?
berapa lama pula kita revise pasal iman kita? means revise Quran ke..hadis ke..buku2 agama ke or berapa lama korg take time to bukak seerah dan hayati nya? paapp!
huu..reminder tingtongtingtong buat diri ini juga..mutabaah amal masih longgar..phuu~ banyak lagi nak keep up..up..up and a way..
nak bina orang...kene lah bina diri sambil itu..
analogi senang..kalau nak naik tangga ke atas kena lah bina tangga ye dak..baru lah boleh naik ke tangga tu sebagai binaan kita (orang yang kita nak bina) dan kita yang nak naik adalah kita (hee:D sape lagi kann)
so..sure tak sampai ke "atas" kalau kita tak keep on "moving up"..tak tercapailah pada orang yang kita nak bina kalau kita tak up kan diri kita..
err bkn kite pendek ke ape sebab tak sampai ke atas itu ye..hehe:D
so hannan sila jaga ini..bukan sebab k.ain suro buat just buat je..but also you need this..dekati lah Allah nescaya dia akan lebih dekat kepada mu..lebih dekat dari urat mu..
**senyum tak semestinya bahagia.. ketawa tak semestinya gembira..yang mendengar bisa menjadi tuli juga..take note!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
setahun lalu..tahun kini
lets flash the last last year i meant to the last year in tahun hijrah..biase tahun masihi kan..jom tuka angin sekejap..
p/s: mmg lambat sikit lah masa nya..sbb actually regarding maulidur rasul..huu
as I checked back the calender and also my previous falls back to the time I went to hiking..according to masihi calender it was due to next month if consider it last year..but if its according to hijr was right after 12 rabiulawal me and my friend went hiking to why I bring this up eh?
actually to reflect different things are in a year..I think I'm not the same person as a year before..who knows me are you agree?
i felt different..i acted different..i think differently..i meant maybe i have grown up a lil bit..just little the way I think sort of a bit different..hmm..
well as you grow older you should also think differently..its called maturing with age..true some people said that age is just a number..sometimes people didn't change at all..that is a problem maybe..heh..mungkin~
but we should mature through time..or through experience..setuju?
let that be your pause and ponder moment..
now back to the date of 12 rabiul awal..well its none other speacial occasion of our beloved prophet muhammad SAW..
it didn't hit me as hard as this year about the important of keeping his sunnah alive..a year ago and years before I was like other people..most people kot..just celebrating it with the usual berarak, selawat and stuffs..and mmg so common lah kalau kat malaysia tuk anak2 sekolah berarak satu kampung sambil berselawat..yep itu suatu suasana yang sy penah tempuhi..every tahun hijrah dtg..dtg tarikh ini..akan sambut mcm tidak lah salah langsung..sebab berselawat ke ats Baginda rasulullah amat2 digalakkan..sila teruskan berselawat:)
but then..there is no meaning to me ok..from my prospective..dri pandangan sorg budak daif ini..mcm..its that all I can do for him after so much he did for us..dlm hadith y sohih (xingt riwayat ny) on the day of resurrection (hari kita dihidupkan smula lepas mati) the first thing Rasulullah thought of is his ummat..ingat tak ustaz penah cerita yang masa Rasulullah nak wafat tu pon perkara terakhir dia sebut2 ialah umati umati umati (umatku umatku umatku)
dan siapa ummat Rasulullah? KITA lah..!
cinta nya Baginda pada kita..subhanallah..!
tapi kita cinta ke Rasulullah mcm itu?atau lebih?
so ape je lagi yang boleh kita buat tuk Rasulullah selain berselawat ke atasnya..?
hidupkan lah sunnah2 Rasulullah..dan ketahuilah sunnah nya yang terbesar itu adalah menyampaikan Islam keseluruh alam..
erkk..berat tu..even gunung pon bila Allah nak bagi tanggungjawab ini dia xberani..kita pulak?how are we?how are our iman?
something interesting happend to me this day of maulidur rasul..maybe some penah undergo such situations..that is interviewing the public..
and our task (during daurah) to do interview about maulidur rasul to public..and i was very excited (although tak tunjuk dengan action tapi dlm hati ekseted nak buat interbiu ni..ehehee) so i thought how was their (people's reaction) reaction..sure they knew him..we came up with a question: what character of Rasulullah that you like? something like that..and to none-muslim we asked the same..but before we asked do they knew who is Rasulullah..
and i was actually quite surprised that some know Rasulullah well and that is the none-muslim who said the beautiful character of Rasulullah..amaze!
and also shocked that so-called muslim didn't know much..some even refuse to answer..kami bersangka baik to that person maybe shy..hmm..
the reaction was really and eye opener to trigger something inside me..huh~
as for all the reactions we recorded..and make a short video of all interviews done..yang mention kat atas tu about my group..other group also got some shocking reactions..
as i recall..the question was what if Rasulullah is here with you right now..? and that person answer was: I won't get day off (kalau rasulullah ade sy xdpt lah cuti hari ni) and when i heard it first time I was like seriuosly! no day off?! seriously!! errkkk~
mungkin reaksi aku tu teruk..huu..
terdetik lah saat tu..kerje kita masih banyak lagi..banyak lagi..jalan ini masih panjang..
so to that lets reflect ourselves much love is our love to Him Almighty?
do check up on your heart..
mari menjadi hamba~
lets flash the last last year i meant to the last year in tahun hijrah..biase tahun masihi kan..jom tuka angin sekejap..
p/s: mmg lambat sikit lah masa nya..sbb actually regarding maulidur rasul..huu
as I checked back the calender and also my previous falls back to the time I went to hiking..according to masihi calender it was due to next month if consider it last year..but if its according to hijr was right after 12 rabiulawal me and my friend went hiking to why I bring this up eh?
actually to reflect different things are in a year..I think I'm not the same person as a year before..who knows me are you agree?
i felt different..i acted different..i think differently..i meant maybe i have grown up a lil bit..just little the way I think sort of a bit different..hmm..
well as you grow older you should also think differently..its called maturing with age..true some people said that age is just a number..sometimes people didn't change at all..that is a problem maybe..heh..mungkin~
but we should mature through time..or through experience..setuju?
let that be your pause and ponder moment..
now back to the date of 12 rabiul awal..well its none other speacial occasion of our beloved prophet muhammad SAW..
it didn't hit me as hard as this year about the important of keeping his sunnah alive..a year ago and years before I was like other people..most people kot..just celebrating it with the usual berarak, selawat and stuffs..and mmg so common lah kalau kat malaysia tuk anak2 sekolah berarak satu kampung sambil berselawat..yep itu suatu suasana yang sy penah tempuhi..every tahun hijrah dtg..dtg tarikh ini..akan sambut mcm tidak lah salah langsung..sebab berselawat ke ats Baginda rasulullah amat2 digalakkan..sila teruskan berselawat:)
but then..there is no meaning to me ok..from my prospective..dri pandangan sorg budak daif ini..mcm..its that all I can do for him after so much he did for us..dlm hadith y sohih (xingt riwayat ny) on the day of resurrection (hari kita dihidupkan smula lepas mati) the first thing Rasulullah thought of is his ummat..ingat tak ustaz penah cerita yang masa Rasulullah nak wafat tu pon perkara terakhir dia sebut2 ialah umati umati umati (umatku umatku umatku)
dan siapa ummat Rasulullah? KITA lah..!
cinta nya Baginda pada kita..subhanallah..!
tapi kita cinta ke Rasulullah mcm itu?atau lebih?
so ape je lagi yang boleh kita buat tuk Rasulullah selain berselawat ke atasnya..?
hidupkan lah sunnah2 Rasulullah..dan ketahuilah sunnah nya yang terbesar itu adalah menyampaikan Islam keseluruh alam..
erkk..berat tu..even gunung pon bila Allah nak bagi tanggungjawab ini dia xberani..kita pulak?how are we?how are our iman?
something interesting happend to me this day of maulidur rasul..maybe some penah undergo such situations..that is interviewing the public..
and our task (during daurah) to do interview about maulidur rasul to public..and i was very excited (although tak tunjuk dengan action tapi dlm hati ekseted nak buat interbiu ni..ehehee) so i thought how was their (people's reaction) reaction..sure they knew him..we came up with a question: what character of Rasulullah that you like? something like that..and to none-muslim we asked the same..but before we asked do they knew who is Rasulullah..
and i was actually quite surprised that some know Rasulullah well and that is the none-muslim who said the beautiful character of Rasulullah..amaze!
and also shocked that so-called muslim didn't know much..some even refuse to answer..kami bersangka baik to that person maybe shy..hmm..
the reaction was really and eye opener to trigger something inside me..huh~
as for all the reactions we recorded..and make a short video of all interviews done..yang mention kat atas tu about my group..other group also got some shocking reactions..
as i recall..the question was what if Rasulullah is here with you right now..? and that person answer was: I won't get day off (kalau rasulullah ade sy xdpt lah cuti hari ni) and when i heard it first time I was like seriuosly! no day off?! seriously!! errkkk~
mungkin reaksi aku tu teruk..huu..
terdetik lah saat tu..kerje kita masih banyak lagi..banyak lagi..jalan ini masih panjang..
so to that lets reflect ourselves much love is our love to Him Almighty?
do check up on your heart..
mari menjadi hamba~
-LaBeLeD aS-
-doing project-,
-soalan saya-,
Thursday, January 10, 2013
long time not see!
as per title above..been busy and doing stuffs..and yes I wasn't inspired to write actually! hoh!
i would like to start my post with a quote:
I really don't know that person after all..
forget about it..moving on..
well kak is going to be married soon..insyaAllah this coming february..and yes "the house" is busy preparing everything..debu berterbangan dan saya rasa nk bersin je sebabkan debu-debu itu..
so excited..hehe..
actually I had a break afterthe exams of three papers before the last one on the 20th..jarak jauh ooO..menunggu dengan sabar dan belajar..harapnya..huhuu..
finally i just wanna say that..when we said we don't care..its actually we care..a bit..wee bit..little bit..just a bit..and i hate it when its like that..
**sila belajar..sila ambil pelajaran!
as per title above..been busy and doing stuffs..and yes I wasn't inspired to write actually! hoh!
i would like to start my post with a quote:
the longer of you know someone, it really doesn't determine how well you know that personyes it sure does..! it hit me and my fellow friends recently..series of unfortunate event occur..
I really don't know that person after all..
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"who are you?" |
forget about it..moving on..
well kak is going to be married soon..insyaAllah this coming february..and yes "the house" is busy preparing everything..debu berterbangan dan saya rasa nk bersin je sebabkan debu-debu itu..
so excited..hehe..
actually I had a break afterthe exams of three papers before the last one on the 20th..jarak jauh ooO..menunggu dengan sabar dan belajar..harapnya..huhuu..
finally i just wanna say that..when we said we don't care..its actually we care..a bit..wee bit..little bit..just a bit..and i hate it when its like that..
**sila belajar..sila ambil pelajaran!
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