blog ni sudah brlalang..lama x lawat...sebab cuti barangkali..maka tiada apa y trlintas nk crita kt sini...
ade pegi langkawi itu hari..tpi tgk gambo dkt FB dah le..hehe:)
so sudah brumo 20 tahun dan satu hari..=)
tpi maseh byk y x dicapi dlm jangka usia ni...what had i been doing this while...?!huumm...mcm x contribute plak ape2...perlu buat sesuatu...hmm..
so 20 years of living...had been in many state of self...rebellious-err still am sometimes..every now and then..:P happy and loved-glad to have all people around me that care for family always by my side..friends for thing about friend..i'm good at being friend-at least i thot so..hehe-but not good at keeping friend around...ape la masalah nye tu..haiih..
afraid of losing them when we are what's happening now...but we still keep in's ok la so far..worries that i should not be worried...susa kn diri je..-ok da setat nk ngarut..
drop the topic.
ok dah flash a bit about the look at the future..kte kne pandang ke hadapan..tpi jgn lupa tuk toleh ke belakang sekali sekala..sbb xde kt dpn klu y kt blkang tu xde..."those who forget the past may repeat the past"-modified version..suppose to be "history" tpi letak "history" kt situ kang mcm la lama sgt..brubah mngikut keadaan semasa...
byk lgi x achieve dlm masa y muda ni..sgt rugi klu x manfaat kn...lihat pada pejuang2 islam dulu most nye mada 20-an la da smpi kemuncak...tpi kte ni maseh brtatih-tatih lagi-at least sy je la-dlm medalami islam sebenar, menuntut on being anak on being wanita solehah..dan.....:)
still miles and miles to go..set your millage high...aim least if you haven't reach it yet you'll be proud of yourself because the road you had choose is leading you to the right path..if you gonna try hard let it be on the right path..mati dgn proud nye dlm jalan Allah..mati sbgi syuhadah..walau x pegi berperang angkat pedang sekali pon..biar la hanya menangkat sebatang pen keran menuntut ilmu..klu kte betol2 lakukan kerana Allah pasti ada habuan y setimpal dgn nye..insyaAllah..-ow sesuai plak ngn lagu mahir zain y sedang sy dgr skg ni.."InsyaAllah":)
ok HANNAN BINTI NASHARUDIN sem baru da nk dekat..set up your know what are they...tebus la ape2 y xdpt buat-or y "slip"-next your best..then you won't regret of what you have done so far..
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hoping for better~ |
tata for now..
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