as salam
ntah bpe lame since my last post...rindu sgguh kamu wahai cik/enche blog..byk stoli mau stoli...tpi tu sat lagi
so..antr punce x dpt brblog sbb nye mggu2 suda tenet amat tenat..mcm siput...nk loading page pon sgt2 lambt..even goodle pon lmbt nk kuar page apetah lgi..silap2 sedap2 nulis x ley save knn..naya saya..and of cos bz ngn ape bnde2 sekeliling..
huu..mggu lepas went to penang wif nisa..naek kete dila n also k.tiqah-akak sy da naek kn nama akak dlm blog sy nie..bangga la..hehee..:D it was fun but tired trip..ahaha..tema nye x cukup tido..tpi still worth it..sbb ny turun sana nk join induksi ikram..ow bkn sy y kne induksi..i was only giving support..had been inducted before..seeing all the junis made me come back to the previous year when inducted..aha..tpi sy pnye induksi ngelat..ngn ainaa..we al je y blom induksi dlm grup tu y tau ape akn jdi pda hari induksi trsebut..ahaha..da lame ngn ikram bru nk kne induksi..hehe..ngelat..xpe2..nk jgk experience kne induksi..ehe..:P
so kt penang tumpang tido kt rmh ainaa la...naseb ade ainaa..if not tah kemana2 nk tido hri tu..weee..best2..sleepover kt rmh ainaa..tpi nye..ainaa pon sibuk ngn aktviti xdan nk catch up byk..n xdan nk pillow talk..both penat lepas seharin ngn aktivit masing2..i guessed bad timing maybe...this week also ade aktviti ikram..PSK..but couldn't join sbb mau balik kmpg...klupegi tyme ni bleh la nk br-pillow talk..ahaha..missing the "gossiping" n ranting the usual with ainaa..*hugs~*
ow record...xpenah lagi dlm hidup ni dlm kete for a long journey I x tido ok..never before but the trip to penang last time was the otherwise..xtido..ahaha..nk teman cik dila supaya keep awake..and it took 4hrs like that to reached penang from shah alam..ehehe..laju seyh dila bwk..huhuu..tpi otw back da low bat...trtido jgk..pon jln mlm tyme tu..xley tahan..tpi tido2 ayam jgk...bkn sy tido mcm ayam ok..!
ok quick recap of last couple of class will go for at terengganu and othe one at penang..n ofcos i get to go to the penang one..hehee..:D (penang lagii~:P)
ow da penin2 kepala spl trik n hri n jadual prjln serta tmpt2 lawatan..last2 selepas brtekak brsilat brlembut brmaafn brbincng br-ape tah lagi...pegi on jum sabtu ahad (25 26 27 feb) but still the proposal still hvnt been submitted..tomorrow insyaAllah..hope that went well n smooth and approve...i'm holding my breath~phuu..
jpa masok akhirny..n yuran maseh xku byr lagi..ehee..nape la jpa x tulun byr knn..bkn ke depa seppose byk kn ke..napa tdak brgituu...tgn ni rajen tekan butang "withdrawal" aje:P
and the LIST trcipta~wehehe...the list oh bla..bla..bla..kang sekijap je duet tu kekal dlm acctn tuh..laju je kuar bak air terjun y mngalir tnpa segan silu..apakah prumpamaan ni..ehee..:P sila la brjimat cermat wahai hannan...byk bnde nk awk bwt yee..for this n that..for those and these jgk...y xperlu sila xyah beli...sila jgn kuar kn duet sesuke hati...(baek laaa~)
ow ade trip to singapore...wee..:D rate nye agak murah for decided to go for it..paid cancel allowed....fullstop.
ow klu nk pegi sila la..:)
ow sempena dgn jpa..dgn ini iqa telah brjanji mau blnja kami makn pizza..wiihihihiiii:D:D nk byk pizza boley~;p
ok that's for now i guess..till i write later...(when will it be...)
**weh cuti suda lusa...sgguh xsaba..balik KB...tpi nk balik rmh lagu mane..mintak abah amek..still dlm pemerhatian...naek ktm..di luar harapan..tpi mungkin aje kne naek..hukhukhuk...we'll see then..
**ok kata2 "we'll see then" currently my not so fav word of the time being...ckp je la..ish~ and xbpe nk pehe~ ish~
It never fails to make me laugh, cry, smile and ponder... Amuse of the great times..Reflect of the-not-so-great times
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
kisah 11/1/11
as salam..
cantek btol tarikh nie..hehehee...sgt lawa..satu satu satu satu satu...
tdi time kelas..structure...hahahaa..kne lagii...mmg da kne mark ni..hihihii..:D
ow kali dulu..kne tnye soklan secara tetibe..tpi xde kaitn ngn pelajrn..psl nk shift jadual kelas..ohh time tu kne point secara tetibe.."sentap ati mak nak" trkezeut~smbil blurr ayam mnjwab prsoalan y diajukan....hehee
then tdi skali lgi.."sentap ati mak nak"..again~this time got called in front for no reason that i can really compute before been told to being so obedient students (:P) just do as up to front of class-of cos with kilos of blurriness in my mind-and been told to stand on chair..and i was like WHAT and WHY..and inside of me said SERIOUSLY DO I have TO DO ALL that..SERIOUSLY..!! and me (again being obedient) just do it..duh~ then been asked to "show off" my shoes..i was like have i wore the wrong shoes or did i wore it left right..or is it my shoes is kotor that need to be shown to all the class..or the shoes is not allowed to be worn in the class..??!! seriously those thought did crossed my mind..but shoes was like the kasut contoh...heh..should i feel proud about it or should i be proud of being in front of class ON chair..or should i be glad that i did not do anything wronged..or should i be happy with all these...well..i wish i was not on that chair at that very moment...hua~org ckp muka ku cool n selamba je time ats kerusi tuu...well because you can't see the thought inside my mind..those all i had wrote are like part of my thought..sgt la cuak!! "sentap ati mak nak"
turun je dri kerusi n pegi duduk smula kt tmpt ku..tros mcm mengeletar kejap..ok for sometimes..ahaha..seriously..shaking..:P
so much of blending in with the crowd of wearing tudung hitam today...huu~
moral of the story: you had been marked..let it be..pandai2 la bwk diri dlm kelas..beware you are been scan top bottom by dean..and you (ME) are lucky got picked out..ahaha..:P
**patut letak gmbr "kasut contoh" tu..ehehee:D tpi kamera xde..haha..
cantek btol tarikh nie..hehehee...sgt lawa..satu satu satu satu satu...
tdi time kelas..structure...hahahaa..kne lagii...mmg da kne mark ni..hihihii..:D
ow kali dulu..kne tnye soklan secara tetibe..tpi xde kaitn ngn pelajrn..psl nk shift jadual kelas..ohh time tu kne point secara tetibe.."sentap ati mak nak" trkezeut~smbil blurr ayam mnjwab prsoalan y diajukan....hehee
then tdi skali lgi.."sentap ati mak nak"..again~this time got called in front for no reason that i can really compute before been told to being so obedient students (:P) just do as up to front of class-of cos with kilos of blurriness in my mind-and been told to stand on chair..and i was like WHAT and WHY..and inside of me said SERIOUSLY DO I have TO DO ALL that..SERIOUSLY..!! and me (again being obedient) just do it..duh~ then been asked to "show off" my shoes..i was like have i wore the wrong shoes or did i wore it left right..or is it my shoes is kotor that need to be shown to all the class..or the shoes is not allowed to be worn in the class..??!! seriously those thought did crossed my mind..but shoes was like the kasut contoh...heh..should i feel proud about it or should i be proud of being in front of class ON chair..or should i be glad that i did not do anything wronged..or should i be happy with all these...well..i wish i was not on that chair at that very moment...hua~org ckp muka ku cool n selamba je time ats kerusi tuu...well because you can't see the thought inside my mind..those all i had wrote are like part of my thought..sgt la cuak!! "sentap ati mak nak"
turun je dri kerusi n pegi duduk smula kt tmpt ku..tros mcm mengeletar kejap..ok for sometimes..ahaha..seriously..shaking..:P
so much of blending in with the crowd of wearing tudung hitam today...huu~
moral of the story: you had been marked..let it be..pandai2 la bwk diri dlm kelas..beware you are been scan top bottom by dean..and you (ME) are lucky got picked out..ahaha..:P
**patut letak gmbr "kasut contoh" tu..ehehee:D tpi kamera xde..haha..
Saturday, January 8, 2011
one week in new semester
as salam
habis suda masa selama stu sem tuk sem ni...beza nye sem ni dri sem laen ialah duk kt luar...first time menyewa kt luar setekah dekat 2 setengah tau blaja kt uitm...hmmm
keadaan rmh semakin baek..da suda kemas ape y patot..mari kte list ape y berlaku sepanjang minggu ni..turutan xberturut..brterabur:
habis suda masa selama stu sem tuk sem ni...beza nye sem ni dri sem laen ialah duk kt luar...first time menyewa kt luar setekah dekat 2 setengah tau blaja kt uitm...hmmm
keadaan rmh semakin baek..da suda kemas ape y patot..mari kte list ape y berlaku sepanjang minggu ni..turutan xberturut..brterabur:
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jimat ruang cmni..sesuai tuk rumah sewaku y bertandas sempit |
- buat gotong royong besar-besaran dlm rumah ni hari rabu lepas..runag tamu da trsusun walhal byk brg sebnar nye..bagasi byk tr-display...da mcm show room bagasi pulak..ahaha..byk sgguh beg housmate aku ni..ow..kasut jugak tak trkira kotak nye..byk sgt..ahaha..rak kasut pon bukan satu dua tapi smpi tiga..stu kat luar dua lgi kt dlm..itu pon maseh ade lgi beberapa y maesh dlm kotak..haiih..girls knn..MEMANG LA~
- dapur dah brasap..hee:D first meal we all masak ikan kembung masak kicap..masak secara normal ats dapur..then goreng telur dadar..gara2 gas abis ketika nk masak telur tu..maka digoreng dlm rice cooker..ahaha..sgt cantik bentuk nye ble tuang dlm tu..bulat je...tetapi akibat dalam sgt..susah nk trbalikkn telur tu..maka ia hancur dek kerna nk trbalikn telur tu..maka telur dada brtukar jdi scramble egg..ahaha..
- owh~ bju o bju..sgt susah payah nk basuh bju sbb xde mesin basuh..aha..pemals nk cuci tgn..keke;P bilik mandi nye pon cukup2 je..nk 'bersilat' ngn bju pon susah..ahaha..sakit blakg asal tiba masa basuh bju...adeh2 serupa org tua2 pulak..ahaha..
- kenderaan ku hari2 ialah bas rapid 60*...mmg syg lebey kt pakcik2 bwk rapid..ehee:P tpi sgt penat nk brsesak2 ble ramai budak dlm bas...tpi naseb badan jgk la..sbb kte ni ala2 boley mnyelit aci selit la klu da ramai sgt..huhuu..juga malas sgguh kl kne tgu bas lelama2..buang masa je...owh..aksi kejar pakcik bas sgt menarik...biasa kluar pagi..mmg xblik tengah hari..nnti nk kene tgu bas lgi..pastu kang kne byr tmbg lgi..xbuleh2...lari tggl lah di kampus sahaja tuk tengah hari..
- maka mawar lah jdi tempat persinggahan...surau mawar lah tempat ku brteduh di tengah hari..ceehh~'berteduh~' mawar jgk y dicari2..ehehe...
- ble balik kelas da mcm 'mak-mak' ahaha..mngeluh mcm ummi selalu buat..bru phm sket...hehe..
- then timbul bru..iaitu tido awal..pkul 10pm d ngatok2..kt rmh mane plak penah ngtok2 tyme mcm ni...xdibuat nye...ahaha..ammar pon tido lgi lmbt..ehehee:P
- restoran satu blok dri blok aku duduk tu mnjdi stall tetap utk mkn mlm...naseb sedap..harga ok la..
- skg about lecturer n lecture..hmmm..sem ni byk lecturer ke x best...???tgk keadaan...tpi sy seorang pemalu..wahaha..nnti nk tnye soklan segan silu LOL:P harap2 ape2 y diajar mudha dipahami n dihadam otak..SILA PAHAM APE Y LECTURER AJAR WAHAI HANNAN~
- 1st week je da kelam kabut psl stu project memjilid kn fail~ fail da tebal on this very first week..haha..nk ckp bagus kt diri sniri ke ape ni..ntah la..
- naseb baek la kt sini coverage internet dan telefon ok..klu x..sia2 je ade broadband..
- ok dah kehabisan idea...
konon nk tido b4 12am hari ni..plan now which is 25minutes past 12o'clock already..ehehe..
**hari tu hujan lebat mlm hari..or pgi hari y maseh buta...tempias ikut tingkap..kne tempias..bgn tido ngn trkejot..adekah setiap kali hujan lebat akn mcm ni...xdpt tido la nmpk nye dlm ketika hujan lebat~bukan sepatutnye lena ke tido ketika hujan lebat..owh ironi nye~
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