Saturday, November 6, 2010



hari ni hari best..i'm refering yesterday's already past day..but still referring to today which is yesterday..u know what i'm saying..

it was because they-ummi abah najiah iman adek n ammae:)-came visit me..heheee..missing them actually..that's why so glad they came..ummi told that ammar was also expecting to come visit me..he's been all day saying "when are going to see hannan..?"-samping like that;P cute la this little boy...

"okei..hri ni lapar btol stu hri..ptg tdi mkn nasi lemak..pastu ummi abah dtg..:)) came with all of them- najiah, iman n adek....of coz with ammar:P n mkn lagi...kenyang2..sukesuke..alhamdullillah~ 
to kak sorry couldn't visit you..jaoh..abg pon x ikot..kete x muat..hehee..xpe2 nnti awk amk han kn..hehe..nnti han blanja..keke;P" -quoting from my current fb stats..hehe..

hari ni pon pgi2 da cm mood baek je..hehe..mimpi best..skg ni tgh aim camera cannon s95..sgt best features nye..memenuhi specs y sdg dicari2..cambest sgt klu dpt own sniri..haha..gini mimpi ummi belikn..haha sgt syok OK..!! camera idaman kalbu dibelikan-keyword dibelikan-ummi tnpa dimintak..mcm ummi tau2 je..haha..dlm mimpi tu aku balik rmh pastu tetibe ummi ajak beli camera-ntah knape-pastu maen la acah2 sebut s95..skali laju je ummi stuju..waah klu in real life camni bahagia hidup ku..hahaha..
reality check: itu tyme tgh tido + ummi stuju bli camera maha + ummi belikan camera = xkn berlaku la klu tetibe je..huhuhu..xpe2 mimpi dpt pon xpe la....(bunyi pasrah habis :P)

so brbalik kpd cite asal..plan asal nye they  would come during lunch time..then can eat lunch together..but i figured that today(yesterday) is with solat jumaat surely they won't make it here during lunch it was...only after asar that they came and arrived..that's why ammar had been all day about coming to see me..hehe:P so ummi said that we'll have some makan2 we went to nearby restaurant...we picked JM Nasi Bariani...abah gee iman n adek got their nasi berriani with ayam goreng n ayam-ape-tah-namenye-y-ku-lupa...for me n ummi we shared mee bandung..shared because both of us still kenyang...before that while waiting for them i ate nasi still kenyang..decided not to eat too we shared...

can you guest what that little boy ammar ate..?? of all menus y ade..he picked the-not-sold-here-food-ice cream..ade dlm menu tpi da bais ke cmne..tpi y penting xde la..itu jgk y dipilih nye..ow ammar ni stu..klu dy nk hok tu..mmg xtgk da bende sbg kakak y baek hati (referring to myself..haha:P) i went out of the restaurant to look for any stores selling ice cream with iman..alhamdulillah jumpe..klu x ntah ceruk mane la nk cri..bdk ni meme la klux dpt ape y dy nk meme akn kaco mood org he got his ice cream we all got our food and ate happily..yumyum..:)) everyone!!

sat gi ingat nnk balik..skali ummi ckp kt abah mintak order ais krim goreng..ladidadidu...ade dessert..yess!!haha...stu sorg..kehkehkeh...mkn lagi..alhamdulillah..murah rezeki hari ni..xmkn stu hari skali dpt makanan byk n sedap..btw mee bandung dy sedap..!!

tpi mkn kt sini klu bapa anda y bayarkn meme la lgi best..if you know what i meant..hehe..lalala..xpe2 skali skala...huhuu..anak mu y sorg ni da lame sgguh x kuar mkn kt luar sejak exam nie..hehe..;-)

xde gmbr la nk tunjuk kt sini...sbb camera nye ammar buat maen..budak2 skg mmg la...ini ikut geng GDU/CTH la ni..haih..da pndai nk rakam video pulok dah...tpi mmg cacamarba la dy amek..ponin tgk...apela ammar ni..(~.~)

progress study from one topic to another...tpi still x suda lgi..mlm suda larut..mau melarut kn diri jgk..wsalam..

**gara2 habit y brleluasa notes books that have pictures will be pencilised-my own word..can't stop myself from pencilising them..soo tempting..haha..oleh itu melambat kn process study ku..haha..serves me right..hukhukhuk..(-__-;)

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